DUNU has launched its premier portable USB DAC and headphone amplifier, the DUNU DTC-800. This marks the third addition to the DUNU lineup of such devices. The DTC-800 features top-tier components, including dedicated DAC chips for each audio channel and dual independent SGM operational amplifiers. It is capable of processing high-resolution audio signals in PCM format, supporting specifications of up to 32 bit/384 kHz, as well as native DSD256 audio signals. The device includes two headphone output options: an unbalanced 3.5 mm port and a balanced 4.4 mm port. With the DUNU DTC-800, users can elevate their portable audio experience through exceptional Hi-Res audio signal processing.
The DUNU DTC-800 portable DAC features dual CS43198 DAC chips from Cirrus Logic, delivering outstanding capabilities in handling high-resolution audio signals. Additionally, this new model includes a robust amplifier section that utilizes two SGM8262 operational amplifiers, capable of producing an output power of up to 450 mW when paired with headphones that have a nominal impedance of 32 ohms.
The DUNU DTC-800 features dual output ports, including an unbalanced 3.5 mm and a balanced 4.4 mm option for headphone connectivity. Constructed from aluminum alloy using CNC machining, the device weighs 20 grams. Additionally, the model includes physical volume control buttons and a multi-color LED indicator that changes colors based on the bit rate of the audio being played.
The DUNU DTC-800 portable DAC can now be purchased at a recommended retail price of $98.99.