Swiss-based speaker maker Clarisys Audio has launched its fourth speaker. The new speaker is called Piccolo and it is the smallest model from the Swiss manufacturer. There is not much information available yet, so we cannot provide much more than a so-called sneak peek.
Clarysis Audio Piccolo
“We are pleased to announce the release of the Clarisys Audio Piccolo, the fourth and most surprising addition to our collection. Designed for smaller rooms, with robust bass that exceeds expectations for any speaker of its size. If you want to know more about this surprising new release, you should visit us and get to know the new Piccolo,” said Clarysis Audio in the run-up to the Axpona trade fair in the US, where the speaker was shown to the public for the first time.
We do not yet know when the Piccolo can be delivered and at what price. Technical information has not yet been released. We can reveal that the Piccolo will be Clarysis Audio’s cheapest speaker to date.